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Le Chat Rose in Nice Matin

Nice Matin talks about it in its edition of 04/28/20: my interview by Amélie Maurette can be read in today’s edition. On the theme “how regional creators live their lockdown”. Many thanks to the newspaper! Personally I decided to subscribe to their digital formula (the first month is 1 €) to support the daily, since the newspaper regularly and generously supports local authors and creators.

{%ALT_TEXT%} The article can also be read on their website by clicking here.

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A series of works inspired by the containment and the fight against the Coronavirus

The period of containment to which the French population and a good part of humanity are forced, led me to want to produce a series of artworks on the theme of the fight against the Covid-19. Artists, like any citizens, must put their talents in the war that opposes us to this epidemic. For my part, I decided to donate about half of the benefits from the possible sales of these drawings to the profit of associations working for the French or Italian Hospitals.

Latest drawing, “The fight of the century”:

The fight of the century

The first drawing in the series, “The Pink Cat against the Covid-19”:

the Pink Cat against the Covid 19
the Pink Cat against the Covid 19