If you are interested in an art work but you do not wish or can not affort to buy it, note that under certain conditions I can rent it. Also, this allows you to change your canvas or sculpture on a regular basis, so your interior design will be varied and renewed. Get more information about this possibility from the contact page of this site. Terms and rates below in this page.

Terms and Conditions :
The monthly rate for the rental of the work is 1/20th of its price. It can be paid by a recurring Paypal payment or a monthly bank transfer. I may request the restitution of the work at any time, in this case any month paid in advance will be refunded to the tenant. If a request for restitution is made to the tenant, he must return the art work within a short period of time not exceeding one week. This offer is reserved for people living in the Alpes Maritimes (France) and Monaco.